Keytone has received significant follow-on orders and confirmed purchase orders from Walmart China and Nouriz for a combined total of $1,688,000.
These combined orders represent significant follow-on orders from the Chinese Retail divisions of Walmart China and Nouriz. Walmart China places orders for private label milk powders under their Sam’s Club brand, operating 24 Sam’s Club megastores, averaging 20,000 square meters of retail space each currently through China. Walmart China is aiming to increase this number of stores to approximately 40 by the end 2020. Nouriz, a related party of China Animal Husbandry Group, a China State Owned Enterprise, orders whole and skim milk powders under their Nouriz private label. Nouriz products are customised for Chinese consumers and are high-quality premium New Zealand foods and nutritional products for the whole family.
The orders are multiples higher than those placed a manner of weeks ago. Keytone continues to work closely with these strategic clients.